玄幻 武俠 都市 曆史 科幻 遊戲 女生 其他

第23節(3 / 3)



“Breaking into the world with docile behavior 順從地踏入這個世界


Vomiting from the smell of trash 垃圾的味道讓我想吐

Even the breath I breathe is dreadful 連空氣的味道都如此糟糕

It feels unbearable -- Are you scared 讓人難以忍受 — 你們害怕了嗎?

There is sufficient probability the world will be destroyed 這個世界注定要破滅

Your weak souls will squirm 你們軟弱的靈魂即使想逃避

For the time being I will kill a few souls 我也能在短時間內將你們毀滅

Everything will be stained with crimson -- Are you scared 所有的存在都會被染成猩紅—你們害怕了嗎

For the fools who have the nerve to investigate 有膽量來幹涉我的傻瓜們

I will leave no record of their interference 我會抹掉他們的存在

When the dust scatters there will be destruction 當垃圾遍地,這個世界就該被毀滅

At any moment I can sever your breath 隻要我願意,隨時都能置你們於死地

Although you stubbornly keep breathing 即便你們自身再如何固執地想要繼續活下去

Ah, this must be the trivial world 啊,這一定就是微不足道的世界的表現

I''m not sure what will become of it 我不知道它會遭遇什麼

Well then, with this hand CRUSH THE WORLD DOWN 那麼,就讓我親手來碾碎它

The world will panic from the attack 毀滅讓這個世界恐慌了

I lose interest in the scenery and cause an uproar 喧鬧的世界讓我喪失了興趣

Having to look for trash within trash is a surprise 不得不在垃圾中尋找垃圾

Everything will be stained